Fly screen blog for Nuremberg and the region
Asian tiger mosquito still on the rise in Germany in 2025
Regular monitoring (setting up traps) has revealed that the tiger mosquito has become firmly established in the south of Fürth, not far from the Nuremberg city limits …
Winter tips for fly screen owners
In principle, all professional, individually manufactured fly screen elements are winter-proof and can therefore remain in use during the winter. The following advantages result from the year-round use of insect screen elements: Insect protection throughout Insects...
Are there advantages to buying fly screens in the fall/winter?
In the cold season, most insects and arachnids have already found warm places to hibernate or are already in a kind of hibernation. …
Lovecraftian angle spiders increasingly spotted in living spaces
Especially now in the fall, it is not uncommon for a male angle spider (also known as a house spider) up to 10 centimeters in size to cross your path at home. Because the males are now on the lookout for females ready to mate …