Are there advantages to buying fly screens in the fall/winter?

12. Nov 2024

In the cold season, most insects and arachnids have already found warm places to hibernate or are in a kind of hibernation. So at first glance, the use of fly screens in the cold season may seem superfluous. A planned purchase is therefore often postponed until next spring.

But there are advantages to making the planned purchase before spring. On the one hand, some insects and arachnids are still looking for a warm place to hibernate in the fall and winter(more on insects that hibernate indoors) and on the other hand, there are also advantages to buying anti-cyclically. This is because some fly screen retailers offer an off-season discount in the fall/winter, which can save you around 10% on the purchase price. And due to the lower demand in the cold season, fly screen experts can also react more flexibly with shorter delivery/installation times.

Conclusion: Anyone who buys fly screens in the fall/winter season benefits from lower prices and short delivery times and can also be sure throughout the fall/winter that they will not receive any uninvited guests through doors and windows.

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Image source: “A snowman in the garden of a house” by Pascal