Asian tiger mosquito still on the rise in Germany in 2025

3. Jan 2025

According to mosquito experts, the tiger mosquito will continue to spread in Germany in 2025.

What makes the Asian tiger mosquito so dangerous compared to native mosquitoes?

The diurnal mosquito with a preference for human blood (only the females) can transmit serious infectious diseases. These include chikungunya fever, dengue fever and Zika virus infections. In order to transmit such a disease, the tiger mosquito must first bite a host that is infected with one of these diseases. This is currently still very unlikely in Germany. However, with an ever-increasing tiger mosquito population, the risk of a tiger mosquito encountering a host that has contracted one of the named viral infections, for example as a traveler returning from a tropical country, is also increasing. After a blood meal on such a host, the tiger mosquito can transmit the disease to other people with each “meal”.

Is the Asian tiger mosquito already established in the Nuremberg region?

Regular monitoring (setting up traps) has shown that the tiger mosquito has become firmly established in the south of Fürth, not far from the Nuremberg city limits. The city of Fürth assumes that elimination is no longer possible. All efforts are now being made to contain the existing population.

What can individuals do to stem the spread of the tiger mosquito population?

Every balcony and garden owner/user can make a significant contribution to preventing the mosquito population from spreading further, or at least containing it. The females need accumulations of water to lay their eggs. These should be avoided as far as possible. Any vessel located outdoors can allow water to accumulate. It is therefore important to keep all containers such as buckets, vases, cups, flower pot saucers and watering cans as dry as possible or to empty and clean them at least once a week. Rain barrels can be protected from the tiger mosquito with a close-meshed cover.

How can you avoid being bitten by the tiger mosquito?

When outdoors, you should wear long, bite-proof and light-colored clothing, as the tiger mosquito prefers dark colors. The use of common mosquito sprays can also prevent bite attacks.

You can protect your home with professional fly screen elements. These are available for almost any building opening and reliably and sustainably prevent the entry of “uninvited guests”.

Find out more about how to protect doors, windows and light wells with fly screens:

Protect doors >

Protect windows >

Protect light wells >

(Image source: Asian Tiger Mosquito close-up image. Generative AI. from Microgen)